Legal Notices

Duty to inform according to §5 E-Commerce Act, §14 Company Code and duty of disclosure according to §25 Media Act
Our company named in the imprint operates the virtual website and booking platform “www.home-schusterwastl. com"

Company name:
Manuel Toferer, Home-Schusterwastl

Company address:
Hubdorf 275611 Großarl


For information, data and complaints:

Management: Manuel Toferer
Management address: 5611 Großarl, Hubdorf 27
Media owner, editor and publisher: Manuel Toferer, Home-Schusterwastl
Copyright of images: Grossarltal, Jana Fischer and Manuel Toferer
UID number: ATU80026838
Community registration number: 50411008152-2023
Company register court: Salzburg provincial court
Business purpose: Private room rental
Supervisory authority: District authority St. Johann im Pongau