Cancellation form

If you wish to cancel the contract, please copy the text below, fill out this form and send it back to us.

Manuel Toferer - Home-Schusterwastl
Hubdorf 27
5611 Großarl, Österreich

I/we hereby revoke (please mark with a cross where applicable):
               ☐ I/we revoke the contract concluded with me/us for the booking of the following accommodation:

                              Housing: __________________________________________________

                              The invoice number: ___________________________________________

                              Date of booking: _____________________________________________

                              Planned date of Arrival: _______________________________________________

                              Planned date of Departure: _______________________________________________

Hiermit widerrufe(n) ich/wir (Bitte Zutreffendes ankreuzen):
☐ Ich/wir widerrufe(n) den mit mir/uns abgeschlossenen Vertrag über die Buchung der folgenden Unterkunft:  

Unterkunft: _______________________

Rechnungsnummer: _______________________

Buchungsdatum: _______________________

Anreisedatum: _______________________

Abreisedatum: _______________________

Name of the guest(s):

Address of the guest(s):


Signature of the guest (only for communication on paper):

Please complete this form and send it to the above e-mail address or by post to the address given.